Krka has been present in the Bulgarian market since 1991. Our very first products were dexamethasone, Efloran, Cordaron, Ciprinol and Pikovit. The first therapeutical area we covered were fluoroquinolones, and the first brands we promoted were Ciprinol, Nolicin and Enap.
Krka’s representative office in Bulgaria opened in May 1996, starting with three medical representatives. It was transformed into the company Krka Bulgaria EOOD in 2013. In 1997, we achieved the first EUR 1 million; in 2020, our annual sales exceeded EUR 25 million.
Our main therapeutical area is cardiology, followed by gastroenterology, anti-pain segment and CNS; we also offer non-prescription and animal health products.
Almost 90% of the team consists of marketing people with a total number of more than 70 employees. Regarding prescription medicines, Krka is second in terms of volume, trailing only the domestic producer. In terms of total sales in value, Krka is among the top 5 generic companies in the market.
Krka Bulgaria is known as a pharmaceutical company that offers high-quality products at reasonable prices, the so-called “gold standard”. Our team and market position grow every year due to our hard work and wise decision-making over the past decades. We believe that people are behind Krka’s success story – our team, our partners and our endless desire to develop and be a better version of ourselves every single day.
KRKA Bulgaria EOOD
building 5, entr. A, ground floor