Coughing again?

4 min. read

We’ve all experienced cough interfering with our plans at some point. A cough can make you feel really bad, disrupt your daily activities and affect the quality of sleep in children and adults alike. (1)


Cough – a symptom of respiratory tract infection

Cough is a protective mechanism that helps clear out the airways. In acute infections of the respiratory tract it may also be a sign of a disease. Coughing is one of the most common reasons why people seek medical assistance. (1, 2) Based on how long it lasts, cough can either be acute or chronic. When it is associated with a viral or bacterial respiratory infection such as the common cold, bronchitis and pneumonia, it is important to treat it as early as possible to prevent possible consequences and complications. (1)

Dry or wet

Self-medication depends on the type of cough. Dry cough is often caused by irritation and is especially bothersome at night as it disrupts sleep; it can be alleviated with antitussives. Wet cough is caused by increased production and accumulation of mucus in the airways. Treatment is based on making thick phlegm thinner to ease expectoration. Expectorants are medicines that help the body clear thick phlegm from the airways. (2)

No easy matter

Complications can develop when thick redundant mucus is not cleared from the airways. Relatively high intrapulmonary pressure and rapid airflow during coughing fits are effective in clearing the airways, but can cause various problems. They may cause fatigue, which can significantly decrease the quality of life. (1, 3)

When cough appears, act immediately to decrease its severity and frequency, as well as stop any potential complication in its track.

A safe and effective solution for the entire family

There are several ways to relieve cough, such as compresses and inhalations, or home-made syrups, which should be prepared in advance. It is always a good idea to have a quick solution on hand when cough occurs overnight. Syrups and lozenges, which can be bought over-the-counter at the pharmacy, are one such solution. Whichever solution you choose, pay attention to whether you need a medicine to relieve dry cough or to help you with expectoration.

You can choose from a selection of syrups and lozenges based on natural ingredients. Herbion products* are suited for the whole family, trusted by doctors, pharmacists and patients in more than 30 countries. Herbion Icelandic moss syrup or Herbion plaintain extract and Herbion mallow blossom syrup can help ease problems related to dry irritating cough, hoarseness and sore throat. (4, 5) For easier expectoration in wet cough, Herbion ivy syrup and lozenges as well as Herbion syrup based on cowslip root and thyme extract are recommended. (6, 7, 8)

But beware! If cough persists for more than a week, is severe and accompanied by chest pain, greenish sputum, blood in the sputum or breathing difficulties, you need to see a doctor. (2)


Did you know?

  • Children’s airways are more sensitive, so they cough more frequently than adults. (9)
  • Cough can be caused by a bacterial or viral respiratory infection. (10)
  • Cough can be caused by over 200 different viruses. (11)
  • Herbion syrups and lozenges* contain herbal products with numerous positive effects on cough. (2)

* Krka has registered a wide range of products in different countries. There are differences in registration and availability of our products among the countries.

Some products may also have a different brand name in different countries. Please contact local representative office for up-to-date details specific for your country or visit the available Krka’s local web pages.


  1. Dicpinigaitis PV, Colice GL, Goolsby MJ, et al. Acute cough: a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. Cough. 2009; 5: 11.
  2. Anon. Kašelj. V: Pisk N (ur). Samozdravljenje – priročnik za bolnike. Ljubljana: Slovensko farmacevtsko društvo, 2011. p. 46–58.
  3. Worrall G. Acute cough in children. Can Fam Physician. 2011; 57: 315–8.
  4. Povzetek glavnih značilnosti zdravila Herbion islandski lišaj sirup.
  5. Povzetek glavnih značilnosti zdravila Herbion trpotčev sirup.
  6. Povzetek glavnih značilnosti zdravila Herbion bršljanov sirup.
  7. Povzetek glavnih značilnosti zdravila Herbion bršljan pastile.
  8. Povzetek glavnih značilnosti zdravila Herbion jegličev sirup.
  9. Praprotnik M, Zupanić M, Lozej T, et al. Kašelj pri otrocih. Zdrav Vestn. 2017; 86: 212–25.
  10. Thomas M, Bomar PA. Upper Respiratory Tract Infection. [Updated 2020 Oct 28]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2021 Jan-. Available from:
  11. Grief SN. Upper respiratory infections. Prim Care. 2013; 40 (3): 757–70.