The traditional Krka Awards Day demonstrates every year that Krka employees all over the world, regardless of the language they speak or the country they live in, share common values and mission. At Krka Awards Day we acknowledge the loyalty, hard work, innovation and creativity of our employees, and their significant contribution to Krka’s success. Plaques were thus awarded to long-service employees, best employees, best managers, and colleagues who excelled at innovation. We also awarded two Boris Andrijanič Awards for Remarkable Achievements to Marketing Director Elizabeta Suhadolc and Quality Management Director Mateja Vrečer.

“Krka has always emphasised the importance of our values. Various generations knew how to turn our values into success and growth of Krka,” said Jože Colarič, Krka’s CEO and President of the Management Board. At the central event at Otočec he congratulated the award recipients and thanked them for their contribution to Krka’s development.
We conferred two Boris Andrijanič Awards for Remarkable Achievements
This year we conferred the highest Krka award – the Boris Andrijanič Award for Remarkable Achievements – to Marketing Director Elizabeta Suhadolc and Quality Management Director Mateja Vrečer.
Both have worked at Krka for more than 30 years, joining at a time when the company was at a major business crossroads. This was a time when Krka went from selling licensed products to a new business model that involved making and developing our own brands, which is why marketing and quality assurance became all the more important. Their hard work, professional attitude, dedication, ambition and successful management contributed significantly to the improvements made in these two fields and Krka’s success that allowed Krka to transition from a regional company to a global pharmaceutical producer.
675 employees celebrate their anniversaries
In 2022, 675 Krka Group employees will be celebrating their work anniversaries. Of them, 396 have worked at the Krka Group for 10 years, 100 for 20, 54 for 30, 26 for 35, and 99 for 40 years.
In addition to Krka employees from Slovenia, employees from Croatia, Germany, Poland, Northern Macedonia, the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Serbia, Slovakia, Hungary, Lithuania, Czechia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Austria, France, Italy, Kazakhstan, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, India, Moldova, Mongolia, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan also received plaques for their work anniversaries.
Best employees and managers
Employee loyalty and a positive atmosphere at Krka are also reinforced by the selection of the most successful employees and managers of the year. The call for applications published in March 2023 attracted 849 proposals – 616 for best employees and 233 for best managers. In accordance with the rules, 47 best employees and 18 best managers were selected at the level of the organisational units and 10 best employees and 5 best managers at the Krka Group level.
The 2022 Marketing Award winners were also included in the selection of best employees and best managers, involving 1 best marketing manager, 2 best area managers, 1 best internal trainer, 4 best brand managers, 8 best district managers, 1 best clinical research associate, 4 best key partner associates and 51 best representatives. Awards and recognitions were also given to 7 employees who excelled in the field of regulatory affairs.
Awarding innovation
We also handed out innovation awards. Employee proposals significantly contribute to reducing costs and improving work processes. That is why in addition to the awards that employees receive for each innovative proposal and awards for improvements resulting in computed or estimated savings we also use other incentives for rewarding inventions. We presented special awards at the Krka Awards Day, namely the Best Proposer Award, Best Innovative Improvement Award and Best Innovative Solution Award. Each year we also present an award to the best organisational unit in terms of innovation and to the head of the organisational unit with the most useful proposals and improvements.
Fostering relations with retired Krka employees
On 24 May we held Krka Retirees’ Meeting where we thanked the 105 Krka employees who retired in 2022. Many of them spent their whole career at Krka. Krka’s CEO and President of the Management Board Jože Colarič thanked them for their contribution to the company’s growth and presented them with a commemorative gift.