6. 7. 2023

Resolutions Adopted by the AGM

3 min. read

The 29th Annual General Meeting of Krka, d. d., Novo mesto was held at the Otočec Šport Hotel today. The Management Board presented their 2022 annual report, including the auditor’s report and the Supervisory Board report on its verification and approval of the 2022 annual report, and the 2022 report on the remuneration of Management and Supervisory Board members. Shareholders adopted the resolution on the appropriation of distributable profit for 2022, and discharged the Management and Supervisory Board of liability for 2022. They were briefed on and approved the Remuneration Policy for Management and Supervisory Bodies of Krka, d. d., Novo mesto, confirming a changed payment system for Supervisory Board members. The AGM elected Luka Cerar member of the Supervisory Board for a five-year term, as a representative of shareholders, and authorised the Management Board to acquire treasury shares over the following 36 months.

The AGM adopted the resolution for 2022 distributable profit of €408,163,130.14 to be appropriated as follows:

  • Dividends (€6.60 gross per share) €204,377,712.00
  • Other profit reserves €101,892,709.07
  • Retained earnings €101,892,709.07

The approved dividend of €6.60 gross is up 17.2% on the previous year’s. Payment of dividends shall commence on 20 July 2023 according to the record of shareholders in the KDD Central Securities Clearing Corporation share register (Centralna klirinško depotna družba d. o. o., Ljubljana) as at 19 July 2023.

The AGM examined and approved the work of the Management and Supervisory Boards in the financial year 2022 and discharged them of liability.

Shareholders were briefed about and adopted the 2022 Report on Remuneration of Management and Supervisory Board members Krka, d. d., Novo mesto, and the Remuneration Policy for Management and Supervisory Bodies of Krka, d. d., Novo mesto. They agreed to the proposed changes to the payments for Supervisory Board members.

The AGM was informed of Borut Jamnik stepping down as member of the Supervisory Board, and elected Luka Cerar member of the Supervisory Board for a five-year term commencing on 7 July 2023. He will serve as a representative of shareholders.

The AGM authorised the Management Board to acquire and dispose of treasury shares over the following 36 months, whereby the total amount of treasury shares cannot exceed 10% of share capital, i.e. 3,279,344 shares. The total amount includes shares owned by the Company at the date of the authorisation being issued. The Company may acquire treasury shares on the regulated market at market prices.

The Management Board of Krka shall publish the resolutions adopted by the AGM in the Ljubljana Stock Exchange electronic information dissemination system (SEOnet), in the Polish Financial Supervision Authority electronic information dissemination system (ESPI), and on the Krka websites.