We all would like to live in a healthy and clean environment. It is our responsibility to protect natural heritage for future generations and all living beings. Krka allocates EUR 6-7 million every year to environmental protection. We are aware that our actions affect the environment in which we operate, which is why we incorporate environmental care into our earliest developmental cycles and the entire life cycle of our products.

Our objectives regarding the environment include holistic control of environmental management, sustainable development and constant improvement in all areas of environmental protection. Here we refer to the ISO 14001 environmental care system, which was implemented in 2001. Our social and environmental responsibility is reflected in the numerous projects and achievements in this field.
By engaging in effective and comprehensive cleaning of waste waters we reduce our impact on the water environment. We established a waste water treatment plant at our factory in Jastrebarsko, Croatia. The new plant uses an advanced oxidation procedure that attains 99.9% disintegration of pharmaceutical substances in waste water. We are also building an aerobic biological waste water treatment plant in the Russian Federation. We further modernised our already well-managed waste water treatment field with additional control mechanisms, which enable us to decrease emissions to water and reduce potential risks to an acceptable level.
To clean waste air polluted with organic matter, we installed several modern, high-capacity devices for thermic oxidation of waste air.
We are also continually improving our waste management system. Our main goal is to reduce waste and increase the amount of collected usable waste. We have joined an innovative project for separate collection of composed materials from aluminium and plastic. By processing 250 tonnes of such waste, the Vinova company obtained raw materials for the further processing of 94 tonnes of aluminium and 143 tonnes of plastic. Krka has thus significantly increased its output of waste handed over for further processing.