Otočec, 25 May 2018 – At the Krka Awards Day, recognition awards were conferred to Krka employees celebrating their work anniversaries, best employees, best managers and those who proposed the most useful proposals and improvements.
Krka is aware of the importance of having employees that are willing and capable of pursuing the goals the company has set. For 64 years Krka employees have been joined by common values, uniting Krka’s workforce in over 40 countries around the world. Even though Krka employees speak various languages, they are led by the same goals, knowledge, experience and motivation, which in turn allows the company to grow. This is reflected also in the company’s traditional ceremony entitled Krka Awards Day.
Long-service employees – a symbol of company loyalty
Long-service awards at Krka span over several decades. They are conferred to the most loyal employees who have worked for Krka and its companies and representative offices for 10, 20, 30, 35 and 40 years. In 2018, 800 Krka Group employees are celebrating their work anniversaries. Of these, 484 have worked at the Krka Group for 10 years, 98 for 20, 32 for 30, 144 for 35 and 42 for 40 years. Long-service plaques were handed out also to employees from Croatia, the Czech Republic, Portugal, Kazakhstan, Hungary, Austria, Romania, Slovakia, Ukraine, Serbia, Macedonia, Poland, the Russian Federation, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Estonia and Uzbekistan. Long-service employees have helped lay down the foundations and are a symbol of company loyalty.
Best employees and best managers – a symbol of dedication and excellence
Every year Krka selects the best employees and managers, strengthening employee loyalty and spreading positive atmosphere among the workforce. This year 49 best employees and 19 best managers were selected at the level of each organisational unit, as well 10 best employees and 5 best managers at the Group level among 140 award winners.
The selection also included the 2017 Marketing Awards winners, i.e. 52 best representatives, 2 best marketing managers, 5 best product managers, 10 best district managers, 2 best heads of area/group and one best internal trainer. Awards, commendations and recognitions were also conferred to 5 best employees in the field of regulatory affairs.
Awards for best managers, best employees and excellent representatives were also conferred to employees from Krka’s companies and representative offices abroad – Croatia, Poland, the Russian Federation, Belarus, Ukraine, Romania, Macedonia, Slovakia and Finland.
Useful proposals and improvements
The company also conferred the awards for inventive work on this occasion. Employee proposals significantly contribute to cost reduction and work process improvement. Special awards were given to the proposers of the best improvement, the best proposer and for the best organisational unit with the highest number of useful proposals and improvements relative to the number of employees. This year the award went into the hands of the employees from Pharmaceutical R&D and Production (Pharmaceutical Production).