Milena Kastelic
Member of the Management Board – Worker Director; Deputy Director of Pharmaceutical Production

Milena Kastelic was born in 1968 in Novo mesto. She holds a degree in food technology. After she finished secondary education at Gimnazija Novo mesto in 1986, she enrolled at the Biotechnical Faculty at the University of Ljubljana. In 1991, she won the Prešeren Award for students for her undergraduate diploma thesis, ‘Evaluation of glucoamylase activity in yeast Saccharomyces diastaticus’. In 1993, she completed training in work design at the REFA Association in Germany.
She started her career at Krka in 1992 and has been a successful staff member ever since. Over a span of nearly three decades, her professional career has been closely linked to herbs, production of non-prescription products, and prescription pharmaceuticals for human and veterinary use. She completed her traineeship in the Auxiliary Medicinal Products and Herbs Programme with an assignment on the technology of drying plant-based raw materials. She worked as a production technologist for five years. In 1996, she became the Head of the Plant for the Production of Herbal Medicines, today’s Bršljin Department, which she successfully managed until April 2018. Between January 2016 and July 2021, she was head of Semi-Solid, Liquid and Other Products. In July 2021, she took up the position of Deputy Director of Pharmaceutical Production in charge of the corresponding segment and employee training.
As Krka’s internal auditor for 15 years, she has contributed to improving business processes in the company. This function gave her the opportunity to become familiar with other organisational units, the importance of close connections between them, and the results of mutual cooperation.
She is a member of the management board of the Turistično društvo Stopiše tourist association.
In 2015, the Works Council proposed her as the Worker Director, and the Supervisory Board unanimously appointed her to the Management Board for her first term of office from 2016 to 2021. Kastelic is well-trusted by the employees, and on that account the Works Council reappointed her Worker Director.
The Supervisory Board therefore unanimously appointed her a member of the Management Board – Worker Director for another six-year term of office, commencing on 1 January 2022.