Managing the entire value creation chain through our vertical integration is a vital part of our long-term success.
- Strengthen the vital elements of vertically integrated business model, flexibility and resilience of the business model targeting CapEx.
- Apply good practices when appointing Management and Supervisory Board members: (i) consider professionalism and qualifications for the function; (ii) regard at least profession, age (transfer of experience), and gender diversity; (iii) target the 40-33-2026 gender diversity model.
- Pursue corporate compliance and integrity of operations by effective internal controls.
- Upgrade business processes and business policies, and hence improve sustainable governance processes and sustainable compliance.
- Maintain certification according to ISO/IEC 27001.
- Provide for uninterrupted supply chain operations.
- Prepare a due diligence policy compliant with the CS3D Directive.
- Endeavour for greater weight of ESG-criteria in supplier assessment.
Investments – Target CapEx (€ million): €140 per year on average
EBITDA margin: > 25%
Net profit of majority shareholders for dividend pay-outs: 50% at least