10th AGM resolutions

17. 6. 2005

The following resolutions were adopted at the 10th Annual General Meeting of Krka, d. d., Novo mesto, on 17 June 2005:

1. The opening of the meeting and election of the annual meeting bodies

Dušan Jenko is appointed as President of the Annual General Meeting, Edvard Kolenc and Marko Graberski are appointed as Vote Enumerators.

2. The presentation of the 2004 Annual Report, the Auditors’ report and the Supervisory Board’s report on the 2004 Annual Report verification and confirmation, adoption of the 2004 accumulated profit appropriation and discharge of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board from responsibility for performing their respective duties for the year 2004

2.1. The Annual General Meeting adopts the information on the 2004 Annual Report, and the Supervisory Board’s report on the 2004 Annual Report verification and confirmation.

2.2. The 2004 accumulated profit in the amount of EUR 69,116,624 (SIT 16,559,900,681) is appropriated:

  • for dividends with gross dividend of EUR 5.84 (SIT 1,400) per share: EUR 19,749,818 (SIT 4,731,930,000)
  • to other reserves from profit: EUR 24,569,943 (SIT 5,886,801,099)
  • to carry forward to the following year: EUR 24,569,943 (SIT 5,886,801,099)
  • to other purposes such as: Supervisory Board profit participation EUR 226,920 EUR (SIT 54,368,483)

The payout of dividends will commence after 60 days from the 10th Annual General Meeting date. The shareholders records at the Central Securities Corporation, Ljubljana with shareholders’ record date of 22 June 2005 will be applied. The Supervisory Board participation in profit will also mature within the above stated period.

2.3. The Annual General Meeting gives confirmation and consent to the Management Board for the management and to the Supervisory Board for the supervision of the company in the year 2004 and discharges the Management Board and the Supervisory Board from responsibility for performing their respective duties for the year 2004.

3. Election of the Supervisory Board members

The following Supervisory Board members are proposed to be elected for the mandate of four years:

  1. Mateja Božič, M.Sc.,
  2. Grega Gomišček, Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
  3. Draško Veselinovič, Ph.D.,
  4. Anton Rous,
  5. Marko Kranjec, Ph.D.,
  6. Alojz Zupančič.

The elected members’ mandate commences on 21 June 2005.

4. Information regarding elected workers’ representatives in the Supervisory Board

The Workers’ Council has elected the following three workers’ representatives in the Supervisory Board for the mandate of four years:

  1. Sonja Kermc,
  2. Tomaž Sever, M. Sc.
  3. Mateja Vrecer, Ph.D.

The elected members’ mandate commences on 21 June 2005.

5. The appointment of the Auditor

KPMG Slovenija d. o. o., Ljubljana is appointed as the auditor of the company for the business year 2005.

At the Annual General Meeting there were no challenging actions presented.

The Euro amounts have been calculated by applying the Bank of Slovenia middle exchange rate on the date of the AGM.