During Krka’s Week of Charity and Volunteering we were happy to see so much positivity and genuine smiles. We spent quality time with the elderly and the wards of various institutions across Slovenia, and also offered our assistance to a few households in the Dolenjska Region.
The food packets we helped prepare at the Karitas and Red Cross locations are already waiting to be delivered. In conclusion of our 8th Krka’s Week of Charity and Volunteering we will be hosting 2,000 students of Third Age Universities and Krka employees with their families. More than 100 Krka volunteers will take part in Krka’s Doors Open Day.
In the second part of our Week we were engaged in performing various volunteering activities. Among other things we spent quality time with the elderly residents in retirement homes in Ljubljana, helping them plant flowers, engaging them in lively conversations, helped them exercise and solve mental tasks, and were also no strangers to singing a lovely tune.
We prepared cooking workshops for the wards of a centre in Ljubljana and organised an entertainment programme that featured Krka’s mixed choir for the wards of an occupational-activity centre in Novo mesto.
We continued collecting various necessities and donating blood throughout the Week at several locations across Slovenia.
Follow up: