This year’s World Water Day, observed every year on 22 March, poses the question: “What does water mean to you?” Krka considers water as a very important aspect of the environment, carefully planning and controlling its consumption. This year’s theme ‘Valuing Water’ centres on the value of water, highlighting current water-related issues.
Compared to some other industries, the consumption of water in the pharmaceutical industry is less intensive and very stringent water quality standards are in force. We employ effective treatment procedures that reduce the amount of industrial wastewater and pollution at all production process stages.
When developing a product, we opt for the lowest water consumption technology available. In 2020, we substituted 2.9% of river water with rain water to charge our cooling towers, and 1.5% with pure rinsing water from our production. Where applicable, we use less harmful substances and auxiliary materials, ensuring wastewater treatment on all production sites in line with legislation and environmental permits.
In today’s world, 2.2 billion people don’t have proper access to potable water. The question ‘What does water mean to you?’ addresses each individual, since water is becoming a limiting factor and a symbol of inequality. Ranked as a water-rich country, Slovenia features 28,000 km of watercourses. This is both a huge privilege and a responsibility, since we all need to respect and preserve water for posterity.
We encourage employees to drink tap water wherever work processes allow it. From a health care standpoint, tap water in Slovenia is considered potable. It is a much better alternative to bottled water, which requires storage in plastic containers and increases the amount of waste.